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Customers from all over the world come to Copart Brazil to explore our extensive inventory, which features over 10,000 vehicles available for bidding every day.

  • Can You Read This Text?

    Customers from all over the world come to Copart Brazil to explore our extensive inventory, which features over 10,000 vehicles available for bidding every day.


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Click to submit your registration and receive your password by email. Add to your email contact list to assure that you receive your login information. Bids cannot be accepted until proofs of ID and address have been physically verified by Copart to complete the Registration Process. If you have any questions, please contact Copart at (11) 3651-8800. Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm (excluding Bank Holidays)

Use this form to pay for your Membership. You may enter any promo codes you have on this page as well.
You must have a paid Memebership in order to bid on and buy vehicles.

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See our State Licensing Overview for more information.

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Register in 2 Easy Steps:

1. Complete the registration form on this page.

2. Once you submit the form, you will receive an email with your temporary password. At that point, you can sign in to your Member account and upload the below requested documents:

Private Individual (Pessoa Física): Copy that shows the front and back of a document that contains the RG and CPF numbers. Only the following combination of documents will be accepted – RG and CPF, CNH with photo that has the CPF and RG or an RG that has the CPF. In addition, a proof of residency (utility bill) that has been issued in the last 3 months that is in your name.

Legal Entity (Pessoa Jurídica): Complete copy of the company’s constitutive documents that are duly registered in the pertinent agency and the CNPJ card that was issued in the last 3 months. The constitutive documents and CNPJ card must be accompanied by a copy that displays the front and back of documents that contain the RG and CPF number (see list above) of the legal representative.

After we receive and approve your documents, you will receive an email confirming your Copart Membership. Now you can bid on and purchase any vehicle of your choice.

Do you have questions? Please see our Frequently Asked Questions, or email our Member Services Team.